Dizney in Drag: Once Upon a Parody tickets

Underbelly Festival Cavendish Square: The Spiegletent

Dizney in Drag: Once Upon a Parody

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Dizney in Drag: Once Upon a Parody

Prepare to have all your childhood dreams shattered like Cinderella's glass slipper in an elephant graveyard of adult fantasies and fairytale follies. ‘Dizney in Drag: Once Upon a Parody' is a Whole New World you didn't know you needed!


Follow some familiar characters and discover sides of them you never knew existed. Come and be a Toy in our Story. If you have any reservation, just Let It Go. Be Our Guest and book a seat now! You'll pity the Poor Unfortunate Souls that miss out on this one.


★★★★★ "It's the highlight of Fringe this year [...] An absolutely wild and fantastical show [...] a romp that defies the boundaries of genre, heteronormativity, and happy endings" - Fringefeed, 2022


★★★★★ "a musical drag pantomime on acid" - BingeFringe, 2023


★★★★★ "This show is a must see and necessary viewing, especially if you are having a bad week." - TheatreWeekly, 2023


Disclaimer: This Dizney in Drag: Once Upon a Parody event and the producers The Hairy Godmothers are in no way affiliated with, or endorsed by, The Walt Disney Company or any of its affiliates.


Cavendish Square

Underbelly Festival Cavendish Square: The Spiegletent

Cavendish Square